Figure 6. Disruption of the tubular auto-lysosomal network correlates with increased poly-Ubiquitin aggregates, impaired mitochondria and increased lipofuscin granules.
(A, B) Wild type (A) and VCP-RNAi (B) expressing muscles were fixed and stained with a poly-Ubiquitin antibody. Nuclei with localized poly-Ubiquitin staining are apparent in A. Nuclei are indicated (dashed circle) in B. (C, D) Wild type animals were treated with DMSO (C) or the VCP-specific inhibitor DBeQ (D), fixed and stained with a poly-Ubiquitin antibody. (E) Quantitation of the number of poly-Ubiquitin aggregates per 50 µm2 from wild type muscles treated with DMSO for 4 hr or DBeQ for various times (n = 9, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01). (F) Localization of Spin-GFP and poly-Ubiquitin in muscles expressing VCP-RNAi. (G, H) Mitotracker-C2TMRos staining in control (G) and VCP-RNAi (H) muscles. (I–K) Autofluoresence at 488 nm and lysotracker staining in wild type (I), muscles expressing VCP-RNAi (J), and wild type muscles treated with the VCP-specific inhibitor DBeQ for 4 hr (K).