(A) The hinge and blade are represented by two rectangles connected to an external frame representing the cuticle (blue rectangle). AP-oriented elastic springs at the anterior and posterior sides, with elastic moduli kH and k, resist change of heights of the rectangle. In addition, two PD-oriented elastic springs constrain the length of the hinge and blade with elastic moduli kPD and . In WT wings, the blade is firmly attached distally to the cuticle. To represent the wing whose ECM is ablated distally, a free boundary is introduced on the distal side of the blade rectangle. Similary, anterior ablation of the ECM is represented by removing anterior springs, k = 0. To represent the dumpyov1 mutant, distal links are removed while anterior and posterior links are weakened. (B) Geometry of rectangle deformation. The position of the hinge-blade interface is labeled xBH, the total length of the wing L, the heights of the hinge and blade hH and h. Lower plots: representation of the velocity profiles in the x and y direction in the hinge and blade, in the rectangle model, for WT wings.