B) Enlarged regions of the wing epithelium at 22.5 hAPF, before (
A) and 50 s after (
B) circular laser ablation in the epithelium. The green circle depicts the 14 µm circular cut in diameter. The red ellipse is a fit to the manually segmented perimeter of the cut region at 50 s. Minor (blue) and major (magenta) axes of this ellipse are used to define orthogonal kymographs. Scale bar 20 µm. (
D) Kymographs defined in (
B). Arrowheads depict the lines that were segmented using Fiji. Δ
x shows the relative increase in wing tissue displacement along the major and minor axes after the cut. (
E) Graph showing an example of the relative tissue displacement along the major and minor axes. These displacements are used to estimate the initial velocity gradient of recoil after laser ablation (‘Materials and methods’, Analysis of circular laser ablations). The initial velocity gradient reflects the isotropic and and anisotropic stresses in the tissue. (
G) Comparison of stresses between WT control and
dumpyov1 mutant wings. Circular cuts were performed in nine different locations as depicted in
Figure 2I,I′. Error bars show standard deviation over five replicates for each location and genotype.