The expression of TSP-1 and CD36 in human conjunctival tissue and primary cultures. (A) Immunofluorescence micrographs of TSP-1 and CD36 (in red) of conjunctival tissue (Conj. Tissue), conjunctival epithelial cells (Conj. Epith. Cells), and fibroblasts (Conj. Fibroblasts). Nuclei of cells were stained in blue with Hoechst dye. Isotype controls include omission of primary antibodies. Scale bar: 50 μm. (B) Detection of TSP-1 in culture supernatants of confluent epithelial cells (Epith.) and fibroblasts (Fib.) after 3 days in serum-supplemented culture by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Bars represent the mean TSP-1 concentration (ng/mL)±SEM. Statistically significant differences between samples are indicated with asterisks (t-test; *p≤0.05). (C) Agarose gels showing mRNA expression of TSP-1, CD36, and GAPDH, determined by RT-PCR of conjunctival tissue (tissue), conjunctival epithelial cells (Epith.), and fibroblasts (Fib.). GAPDH, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Color images available online at