Expression of FoxG1 is up-regulated in C-Raf null mice cochleae. mRNA levels of (a) A-Raf, B-Raf, and C-Raf and (b) Igf1r, FoxM1, p27 kip, and FoxG1 in E18.5 wild-type (blue bars) and null (green bars) cochleae were analyzed using RT-qPCR. 18s RNA was used as the endogenous control gene. At least, three mice from each genotype were evaluated in triplicate. Data were normalized to the levels of wild-type mice and were expressed as mean ± SEM of 2−ΔΔCt. The significance of the differences was evaluated using Student’s t test. **P < 0.005 versus wild type. c C-RAF, p-B-RAF, p-ERK 1/2, and 14–3–3 levels in wild-type and null cochleae were analyzed by Western blotting using cochlear lysates and were normalized to B-RAF, ERK 1/2, and β-actin levels, respectively. p-AKT, p-p38, and p-JNK levels were normalized with respect to total levels of their respective kinases. A representative blot of samples obtained from at least three mice of each genotype is shown. Densitometric average values are shown in the histogram. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. The significance of the differences was evaluated using Student’s t test