Fig. 11.
Stepping strategy during obstacle crossing. The percentage of trials in which the cerebellar mutant mice (indicated in red) touched the obstacle was not significantly different from that of control mice (indicated in blue) (left panels). Panels on the right show frequency distributions in which a specific step length on the side of the obstacle (right; x axis) occurred concomitantly with a specific step length on the left side (y axis) in two situations: with (bottom) and without (top) touching the obstacle. When the obstacle was not touched, control mice made large steps (step length = 4) or leaps (step length >4) on both sides. In contrast, when touching the obstacle, they combined large steps with irregular steps (either step length = 1 or 3). a Pcd mice did not show a stereotypic combination of step lengths in either situation, with or without touching the obstacle. b Similarly to Pcd mice, L7-Pp2b combined small steps and irregular steps on both sides, and they did not show clear combinations of step lengths. c L7-Δγ2 mice were able to combine large steps and leaps; however, they did this less often than control mice. d The α6-Cacna1a mice were almost indistinguishable from control mice