FIG 2.
(a) Schematic representation of CSA-13 labeling with IRDye 800CW. The product was obtained through reaction of the NHS ester group of IRDye 800CW with the primary amine group of CSA-13. NHS ester-activated cross-linkers and labeling compounds react with primary amines under physiological conditions (pH 7.4) to yield stable amide bonds. The reaction releases N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). (b) Visualization of ceragenin biodistribution in whole mice using in vivo imaging, showing the intensity of CSA-13–IRDye 800CW distribution after intravenous (A) or intraperitoneal (B and C) administration, in healthy mice (A and B) and mice infected with the PAO1 strain (C). Data were collected after 0.5, 4, and 8 h. (c) Distribution of CSA-13–IRDye 800CW in selected organs sectioned from mice after intravenous (A) or intraperitoneal (B and C) administration, in healthy mice (B) and infected mice (C). (d) Densitometric analysis of organ fluorescence intensity. A.U., arbitrary units. Panels b to d include data from one representative experiment conducted with 5 replicates.