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Table 2. Median disease-free interval for all patients by prognostic factors.

Variables No. of events/No. of patients Disease-free interval*
All patients 25/25 25.1 (12.8–35.2)
Cancer stage
One 7/7 33.7 (5.8–52.4) 0.630
Two 3/3 23.0 (9.8–undefined)
Three 13/13 16.8 (10.7–33.6)
Tumor grade
One 5/5 63.2 (5.8–undefined) 0.009
Two 10/10 16.7 (8.0–38.0)
Three 10/10 22.4 (5.4–26.6)
Serous 11/11 26.6 (10.7–46.2) 0.705
Endometroid 7/7 12.8 (8.0–51.4)
Clear cell 5/5 25.1 (12.6–undefined)
Mucinous 2/2 5.8 (5.8–undefined)
Primary cytoreduction
Optimal 20/20 25.1 (9.8–46.2) 0.313
Suboptimal 5/5 22.4 (10.7–undefined)

**Median (95% CI).