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. 2015 Jul 2;1(3):316–324. doi: 10.1016/j.dadm.2015.05.004

Table 6.

Performance of LBCRS total scores and individual questions across different dementia etiologies

LBCRS total scores AD n = 100 LBD n = 53 VaD n = 5 FTD n = 10 Other n = 9 P value
Age, y 79.8 (7.5) 78.4 (7.7) 77.2 (6.2) 72.7 (8.2) 70.2 (7.5) .001
Education, y 15.2 (2.9) 14.5 (3.6) 14.8 (3.4) 16.8 (3.3) 16.9 (3.4) .28
Gender, % female 58.7 38.9 100.0 30.0 55.6 .02
CDR 1.0 (0.6) 1.5 (0.9) 1.7 (0.9) 0.8 (0.8) 1.0 (0.8) <.001
CDR-SB 5.7 (3.3) 8.8 (5.2) 9.3 (6.3) 5.2 (4.7) 5.0 (4.4) <.001
Charlson comorbidity 2.3 (1.3) 2.4 (1.5) 2.6 (1.1) 2.0 (1.3) 2.3 (2.6) .93
MMSE 19.6 (5.5) 18.2 (7.7) 19.7 (6.0) 23.6 (1.4) 26.1 (2.2) .005
FAQ 10.5 (8.5) 17.1 (10.1) 16.6 (13.9) 8.1 (9.9) 12.1 (9.9) .001
NPI 7.7 (5.7) 11.6 (5.7) 11.4 (5.6) 10.5 (9.1) 6.9 (4.5) .002
UPDRS III 6.8 (8.6) 32.7 (22.1) 30.5 (27.8) 6.7 (6.4) 4.5 (7.7) <.001
LBCRS total score 2.4 (1.3) 6.1 (2.0) 4.0 (2.9) 2.4 (0.9) 3.0 (1.9) <.001
 Bradykinesia, % 54.0 97.6 66.7 75.0 66.7 <.001
 Rigidity, % 5.7 70.7 0.0 0.0 50.0 <.001
 Postural instability, % 21.8 70.7 0.0 12.5 33.3 <.001
 Rest tremor, % 9.2 36.6 0.0 0.0 16.7 .002
 Daytime sleepiness, % 60.9 92.7 33.3 50.0 83.3 .002
 Illogical thoughts, % 48.3 72.5 66.7 37.5 50.0 .101
 Staring spells, % 23.0 55.5 33.3 50.0 33.3 .009
 Hallucinations, % 9.2 53.7 0.0 0.0 16.7 <.001
 RBD, % 4.6 41.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 <.001
 Autonomic insufficiency, % 1.2 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <.001

Abbreviations: LBCRS, Lewy body composite risk score; AD, Alzheimer's disease; VaD, vascular dementia; FTD, frontotemporal degeneration; CDR, clinical dementia rating; CDR-SB, clinical dementia rating and its sum of boxes; MMSE, mini mental state examination; FAQ, functional activities questionnaire; UPDRS, unified Parkinson disease rating scale; RBD, rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder.

Two patients had vascular parkinsonism with negative dopamine transporter SPECT (DAT) scans.