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. 2015 Apr 27;18(9):pyv040. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyv040

Table 2.

Differences of Functional Connectivity of the Thalamus Hub Network (Analysis 1) during and after Ketamine Infusion

Time Anatomical Region (Anatomical Labeling Atlas) MNI Coordinates Statistic
x y z T-value
2.5–5 min Calcarine L -16 -80 4 -5.19
5–7.5 min Anterior cingulate cortex L -12 30 26 -5.16
Gyrus postcentralis L -48 -24 44 4.61
Gyrus postcentralis R 64 -14 30 5.04
Middle temporal gyrus L -58 -14 0 5.36
7.5–10 min Inferior occipital gyrus R 40 -86 -8 4.74
Gyrus precentralis R 36 -14 60 5.09
Superior temporal gyrus L -58 -4 -6 5.55
10–12.5 min Gyrus precentralis R 62 8 32 4.91
Supramarginal gyrus R 64 -18 34 4.82
Rolandic operculum R 48 4 14 4.74
Superior temporal gyrus L -58 -4 -4 5.71
12.5–15 min Middle Temporal Gyrus L -58 -14 0 4.87
Middle Temporal Gyrus L -56 -8 -8 5.79
15–17.5 min Superior Temporal Pole L -54 8 -18 4.68
Superior Temporal Gyrus R 56 -8 0 4.75
17.5–20 min Thalamus R 18 -16 8 -4.60
Middle temporal pole R 56 14 -22 4.85
Gyrus precentralis R 62 4 32 4.64
20–22.5 min Superior temporal gyrus L -58 -6 6 6.51
Middle temporal pole R 54 10 -18 4.74
22.5–25 min Middle temporal gyrus L -56 -14 -2 4.61
Superior temporal pole R 52 8 -12 5.19
25–27.5 min Superior temporal gyrus L -62 -2 -6 5.00
Middle temporal gyrus L -64 -28 4 4.96
Rolandic operculum R 52 6 12 4.91
Insula L -40 -2 2 4.87
Insula R 38 2 6 4.85
Rolandic operculum L -52 -16 16 4.74
Medial temporal pole R 58 10 -20 4.76
27.5–30 min Middle temporal gyrus R 46 -40 4 5.11
30–32.5 min Supplementary motor area L -8 0 56 4.92
Middle temporal gyrus L -58 -6 -6 5.48
35–37.5 min Thalamus L -10 -20 8 -4.84

Time points refer to the start of the ketamine application. All values are family wise error rate (FWE)-corrected at P<.05 voxel-level.