Fig. 3.
Distribution of measured TP53 transactivation activity from true-negative and false-positive TP53 mutations. From all possible TP53 missense mutations, the distribution of measured transcriptional activity values is shown for those inferred as true negative (TN, CADD score < 5 and transactivation activity >50; blue, n = 322) or as false positive (FP, CADD score > 20 and transactivation activity >50; red, n = 573). The mean normalized activity was 108.8 for the TN set and 93.4 for the FP set. The distribution of values for each set is unlikely to be the same (Kolmogorov–Smirnov D = 0.3427 P < 2.2e−16; Wilcox W = 57,261.5, P < 2.2e−16).