Fig. S7.
Recombination events. (A) Dwell times of recombination-like events, as distinguished by a narrow green FIW at the end of data acquisition. The dwell times were fit by two exponentials, recovering that 60 ± 6% of dwells had a lifetime of 12.5 ± 1.3 s (consistent with a synapsis lifetime of around 9 s) and that the remaining 40 ± 6% of events had a lifetime of 56 ± 5 s. The longer events correspond to true recombinations, and so a recombination-like event with a narrow FIW lasting 43 s or longer has a 90% chance of being a true recombination. (B) Recombination event with FtsKC present during synapsis formation. If FtsKC-induced looping was required for recombination, recombination events would have predominately followed this pattern. FtsKC binding is apparent during synapsis formation in eight of 73 recombination events. (C) Dwell time of first FtsKC to dissociate after synapsis formation in recombining events (n = 47 recombination events with FtsKC binding).