Figure 5. Flight muscle T-tubules express epithelial basolateral markers.
A-F, Interior views of indirect flight muscle fiber of mefl-Gal4; UAS-CD8-GFP adult (panel A) and 55h APF pupae (B-F) immunostained for the indicated proteins. Arrowheads, position of fiber plasma membrane. A, Discs large (DLG), part of Scribble/DLG/Lgl epithelial basolateral identity module, localizes to adult flight muscle T-tubules. Dystrophin localizes to plasma membrane. B, During tracheal invasion, DLG localizes to both plasma membrane and T-tubules. C, Chloride channel CLC-2 localizes to plasma membrane. D, Amphiphysin localizes to T-tubules. E, Scribble, another component of Scribble/DLG/Lgl basolateral identity module, localizes to puncta associated with T-tubules but not with plasma membrane. F, Na+,K+ ATPase α (ATPase), a component of Yurt/Coracle basolateral identity group in Drosophila, localizes to T-tubules. G, Summary of T-tubule and sarcolemma markers during tracheal invasion. *, marker with previously known muscle localization in Drosophila. +, marker localizes to the indicated membrane domain (T-tub, T-tubule; PM, plasma membrane (sarcolemma)); +/-, marker localizes to indicated membrane domain at lower levels; (+), marker localizes to indicated membrane domain during pupal development, but not in adult tissue. Localization of marker protein in epithelia (Lat/SJ, basolateral/septate junction; Ap, apical; Bas, basal) are indicated by either a + or the name of the complex they are part of (Scrib, Scrib module; Yrt, Yurt group; Par, Par module; Crb, Crumbs module; Cad, Cadherin complex). Ref, references for epithelial staining and muscle markers indicated by * (see Supplemental References). H, Schematic comparing localization of membrane domain markers at the indicated region (box) of flight muscle myocyte (left) and polarized epithelial cell (right), focusing on myocyte plasma membrane (sarcolemma (SL), green), T-tubule domain (blue), apical epithelial membrane (red), adherens junction (AJ, black), and septate junction (SJ, blue). Components of epithelial polarity complexes are clustered with names of the complex indicated at right. Proteins in gray, not determined. Scale bars, 2 μm. See also Figure S5.