Figure 3.
Ppctr1l knockout moss plants exhibit constitutive ethylene responses. A, Fourteen-day-old wild-type (WT) and Ppctr1l plants, previously transferred on day 5 following inoculation to an airflow chamber filled with air (control) or with 3 µL L−1 ethylene (ethylene) and incubated for a further 10 d. Bars = 5 mm. B, Radial intensity was measured, and the sum of intensity was plotted against distance from the center of the plant for ethylene-treated (dotted lines) and control (solid lines) 14-d-old wild-type (i) and Ppctr1l (ii) plants. n = 7 for each graph. Asterisks indicates data points where the differences between air-treated and ethylene-treated plants were statistically significant (error bars represent sd). C, Semiquantitative reverse transcription (RT)-PCR showing levels of transgene transcripts, of putative PpERF transcripts (PpERFa and PpERFb), and of transcripts encoding P. patens aquaporins (PpPIP2;2 and PpPIP2;3) in the wild type, Ppctrl1 lines, pUbi:Ppetr7-1, and Ppctrl1; pUbi:Ppetr7-1 lines, using tubulin (PpTUB) as a control. RNA was harvested from 7-d-old protonema treated in an air-flow chamber with air (C) or air containing 3 µL L−1 ethylene (E) for 3 d.