XLG1, XLG2, and XLG3 interact with AGB1 at the plasma membrane in an AGG-dependent manner. In all assays, positive transformation is confirmed by Golgi-localized mTurquoise2 (mTq2) fluorescence from the pDOE XT-Golgi-mTq2 marker. A, The XLG1L-CVen210 parent vector does not produce nonspecific BiFC signal. B, The XLG1L-CVen210:AGB1 construct shows zero to near-zero signal in the absence of a coexpressed Gγ subunit. C, The XLG1L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG1. D, The XLG1L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG2. E, The XLG1L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG3. F, The XLG2L-CVen210 parent vector does not produce nonspecific BiFC signal. G, The XLG2L-CVen210:AGB1 construct shows zero to near-zero signal in the absence of a coexpressed Gγ subunit. H, The XLG2L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG1. I, The XLG2L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG2. J, The XLG2L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG3. K, The XLG3L-CVen210 parent vector does not produce nonspecific BiFC signal. L, The XLG3L-CVen210:AGB1 construct shows zero to near-zero signal in the absence of a coexpressed Gγ subunit. M, The XLG3L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG1. N, The XLG3L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG2. O, The XLG3L-CVen210:AGB1 construct produces BiFC signal in the presence of coexpressed AGG3. Vectors were agroinfiltrated into N. benthamiana leaves at an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.0075 to 0.01, and images were acquired 57 to 60 h post infiltration. Yellow indicates mVenus BiFC, blue indicates mTq2, and red indicates chlorophyll autofluorescence. Bars = 50 μm.