Figure 2.
Transcriptional activation of ERF11 by ERF6 under mannitol-induced stress. A, Expression levels of ERF11 in the growing third leaf (15 DAS) of ERF6-GR plants, relative to the wild type, measured by qRT-PCR at several time points (h) upon transfer to dexamethasone-containing medium. *, P < 0.05 (ANOVA). B, Luciferase transactivation assay with cotransformation of 35S:ERF6 and pERF11:fLUC showing the activation of the ERF11 promoter by ERF6. Values are signal intensities normalized to the cotransformed normalization plasmid rLUC and relative to the negative control (35S:GUS + pERF11:fLUC). *, P < 0.05. C, Expression levels of ERF11 in wild-type (WT) plants and erf5erf6 mutants 4 h upon exposure to mannitol. D, Expression levels of ERF6 and ERF11 at different times of the day in actively growing leaves (15 DAS) of wild-type and erf5erf6 plants grown in soil. For all graphs, the represented values are the means of three biological repeats with their se. FC, Fold change.