Figure 7.
Effects of salt stress on the CBL2/3-CIPK21 BiFC complexes. A, Investigation of interaction of CBL2 and CBL3 with CIPK21 by BiFC in epidermal cells of N. benthamiana. CBL2/CBL3-CIPK21 complexes formed mostly at the vacuolar membrane as reported for individual CBL2 and CBL3 (left columns). Upon stress treatment with 125 mm NaCl, large tonoplastic vesicles were observed compared with control for both CBL2-CIPK21 and CBL3-CIPK21 (right columns) as shown in protoplasts (top row; bars = 10 µm) and intact epidermal cells (bottom row; bars = 40 µm). Plasmid combinations are indicated on the left. B, Quantification of the relative fluorescence intensity to monitor the effects of salt stress treatment on BiFC complexes formed by N-terminal of YFP (YN)-CIPK21/CBL2-C-terminal of YFP (YC; above) and YN-CIPK21/CBL3-YC (below), which were incubated with 125 mm NaCl or control (10 mm MES, pH 5.6, and 10 mm MgCl2) medium. Results are presented as average values along with ses from three experiments.