Bacterial PAMP- and effector-triggered ethylene induction and its potentiation by SA in Arabidopsis. A, Fourteen-day-old seedlings grown in GC vials were inoculated with Pst, Pst-hrcC−, or Pst-AvrRpt2 (final OD600 = 0.02). Mock inoculation was used as a control. Ethylene accumulations in the headspace were determined at the indicated times. B, Replot of the data in A as the rates of ethylene production. Ethylene production rates were calculated as the average rates of ethylene production in the intervals of the two adjacent time points. C, Twelve-day-old seedlings grown in GC vials were treated with SA (final concentration of 100 µm). Two days later, they were inoculated with Pst, Pst-hrcC−, or Pst-avrRpt2 (final OD600 = 0.02). Mock inoculation was used as a control. Ethylene accumulations in the headspace were determined at the indicated times. D, Replot of the data in C as the average rates of ethylene production in the intervals of the two adjacent time points. All data were all collected side by side. Error bars indicate sd (n = 3). FW, Fresh weight.