YHB in the absence of other phys influences clock gene expression. A to D, Abundance of circadian transcripts under constant darkness in YHB seedlings in the presence or absence of native phys using qRT-PCR. Levels of CCA1 (A), PRR9 (B), GI (C), and ELF4 (D) mRNA were assessed. Plants were entrained for 10 d in 12:12 L/D cycles on Suc-free MS media with 60 μmol m−2 s−1 white light before transfer to constant darkness. mRNA levels for each gene were normalized to PP2a; sem is shown. E, Circadian periodicity of phyABCDE, YHB(phyABCDE), and YHB-G767R(phyABCDE) seedlings expressing a CCA1::LUC2 reporter when grown on MS + Suc plates. Plants were entrained for 6 d under 60 μmol m−2 s−1 white light in 12:12 L/D cycles before being transferred to constant darkness at ZT12. Bioluminescence from groups of five seedlings was pooled for each data point, n > 8. sem is shown. *, Significant difference (P = 0.0016, Student’s t test).