Figure 4.
rMir1-CP exhibits direct toxicity to CLA. Feeding trial bioassays: A, Comparison of CLA numbers on an artificial diet, the diet containing the buffer (Buf) used to dissolve the rMir1-CP, and the diet containing rMir1-CP, or B, the diet containing different concentrations of papain. C, Comparison of GPA numbers on an artificial diet, the diet containing the buffer used to dissolve the rMir1-CP, and the diet containing rMir1-CP. Three adult aphids were introduced into each feeding chamber and allowed to feed on the diet, and the total numbers of aphids in each chamber were counted after 4 d (n = 4–5). This experiment was conducted three times with similar results. Error bars represent ± se. Different letters above the bars indicate values that are significantly different (P < 0.05) from each other.