Figure 4.
Overcoming socio-cultural barriers to the scale-up of kangaroo mother care and preterm care. Both caregivers and providers may have barriers to the uptake of KMC. Local context must be taken into account to understand and overcome these barriers. Based on literature and programme experience of the authorship team, we summarise some of the common barriers faced and enablers found. KMC: kangaroo mother care. Mother practicing KMC image source: Save the Children. Mother practicing KMC image source: Pep Bonet/NOOR for Save the Children. Father practicing KMC image source: Erica Pineros/Save the Children. Mother practicing KMC image source: ©EFCNI. Mother practicing KMC with baby with long-term oxygen treatment image source: ©Fundación Canguro. Mother practicing KMC with nurse by her side: Ritam Banerjee/Save the Children. Mother practicing KMC with twin babies: Jordi Matas/Save the Children