FBNSV genome formulas are similar in distinct aphid vector species. Changes in the frequencies of FBNSV genome segments were estimated in groups of 5 aphids of the species A. pisum (green box plots; n = 11), A. craccivora (gray box plots; n = 13), and M. persicae (orange box plots; n = 8), all caged together and fed on the same source plant. The standardized relative frequency of each segment shown here corresponds to the relative frequency of a segment within aphids relative to that within the source plant. The red dashed line represents the “zero line,” where the relative frequencies of a segment are equal in aphids and in the source plant. For each box plot, the bottom and top of the box are the first and third quartiles, the horizontal line within the box plots represents the median value of the distribution, and the whiskers delineate 1.5 times the distance between the first and third quartiles of the distribution. Significant changes between the source plant and aphids when the three aphid species were pooled are indicated by asterisks.