Fig. 2.
Influence of after-ripening and controlled deterioration under high or ambient O2 on the thiol-based cellular redox environment and viability. Embryos were aged for up to 31 d under ambient O2 (filled symbols) or high O2 (open symbols). (A,B) Individual half-cell reduction potentials of glutathione, cysteine and glutamyl-cysteine, as represented by triangles, squares and circles, respectively, in embryonic axes (n = 4 ± s.e.). (C,D) The mathematically combined thiol-based cellular redox environment Ethiol-disulphide. (E,F) Embryo viability, as measured by % of normal germination at 25 °C, n = 4 and 3 replicates of 20 embryos for dormant and non-dormant embryos, respectively, ± s.e. A,C,E and B,D,F represent dormant and non-dormant embryos before CD, respectively.