Figure 3.
(A) Non-fasting glucose levels of rats in different groups. After DJBS placement for 12 weeks, the glucose level of the DJBS-implanted rats decreased significantly compared with that of the sham surgery and diabetic control rats (F=70.697; P<0.01). (B) Body weights of DJBS-implanted rats decreased slightly, while the body weights of the sham surgery and diabetic control rats decreased significantly compared with those of the DJBS-implanted rats and rats fed a normal diet (F=402.968, P<0.01). (C) Water intake of the DJBS-implanted rats decreased significantly compared with that of the sham surgery and control rats (F=117.19, P<0.01). DJBS, duodenal-jejunal bypass sleeve; Ncontrol, normal control; DMcontrol, diabetes mellitus control; DMsham, diabetes mellitus sham surgery; DMdjbs, diabetes mellitus with DJBS; pow, post-operative week.