Figure 6.
NanoE-Tox database: toxicity of selected nanoparticles to different organisms (data filtered by keyword ecotoxic*). Median E(L,I)C50 values ± minimum and maximum values. Colours of the frames surrounding the letters indicate the number of papers from which the respective data originates: red = 1 paper, orange = 2 papers, green ≥ 3 papers. The whiskers indicate the variability of the data. Note the logarithmic scale of y-axis. The E(L,I)C50 values used to derive the median values are from 113 papers and usually based on nominal concentration of the compound [44,55–56,61,64–172]. The toxicity ranking is indicated with the coloured background: E(L)C50 ≤ 1 mg/L – acutely very toxic, potentially chronically very toxic (red); E(L)C50 >1 to ≤10 mg/L – potentially chronically toxic (orange); E(L)C50 > 10 to ≤100 mg/L – potentially chronically harmful (yellow); E(L)C50 > 100 – not classified (green). The database entries were selected based on bibliometric data search in Thomson Reuters WoSTM using the keywords as indicated in Table 1 as of January 6, 2015.