Fig 1. Period-6 bursting of isolated neuron when = −0.01 V.
(a) Spike trains. The peaks of the 2nd to 6th spikes appear at 0.2884 s, 0.4483 s, 0.61s, 0.7761s, 0.9529 s after the cycle, and the 1st to 6th troughs appear at 0.233 s, 0.3959 s, 0.5612 s, 0.731 s, 0.9115 s, and 1.2788 s after the cycle; (b) the trajectory of period-6 bursting (thin solid line) in (m K2, V) plane and fast-slow variable dissection. Upper (UB, dotted line), middle (MB, dashed line), and lower (LB, bold solid line) branches of a Z-shape curve present an unstable equilibrium, saddle, and stable node of the fast subsystem. The intersection pint of MB and LB is a saddle-node (SN) bifurcation point. The upper and lower solid lines correspond to maximum (V max) and minimum (V min) values of the stable limit cycle of the fast subsystem. The intersection point of the limit cycle of the fast subsystem and the MB is a saddle-homoclinic (SH) point. Cycle: time delay is zero.