Fig 5. Rdh10a overexpression promotes embryonic RA signaling.
(A, F) Control DMSO treated, (B,G) rdh10a mRNA (300 pg), (C,H) ROL treated (15 μM), and (D,I) ROL treated, rdh10a mRNA injected embryos. (A-D) At 48 hpf, DMSO and rdh10a mRNA injected embryos were overtly normal. 15 μM ROL produced overtly normal embryos, except some have a modestly shortened, kinked tail (arrow in C). ROL treated, rdh10a mRNA injected embryos were severely truncated. Views are lateral with dorsal up and anterior right. (E) Percentage of truncated embryos at 48 hpf in A-D. For each condition n = 19 embryos. (F-I) ISH for egfp expression in Tg(12XRARE-ef1a:EGFP) sk72 embryos. In F, pn indicates pronephros and sc indicates spinal cord. In G, arrowhead indicates anterior neural expression. Views are lateral with dorsal right and anterior up.