Fig. 10.
Probabilistic tractography between the SC and the amygdala via the pulvinar in patient DG. A: 3D reconstructions of the tract (shown in red) in relation to the site of the lesion (shown in green). Coronal (B) and sagittal (C) sections show the location of the tract relative to the lesion (green). Data are presented on a subtraction of the T2-weighted image [SO image generated by DTIfit from the FSL FDT Diffusion Toolbox] from the mean diffusivity image (MD image generated by DTIfit from the FSL FDT Diffusion Toolbox). This image highlights the lesion as a hypointense, cystic cavity in the pulvinar (masked with translucent green), surrounded by tissue with hemosiderin iron staining (high signal) from the previous hemorrhage. The probabilistic data are presented unthresholded (and actual size) as a percentage of the total number of traces linking the SC and amygdala (that pass through the pulvinar).