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. 2015 Sep 9;2015:140139. doi: 10.1155/2015/140139

Table 3.

Characteristics of men and premenopausal women before the 4-week fully controlled Mediterranean diet intervention.

Men (n = 38) Women (n = 32) Gender difference
Mean SEM Mean SEM P valuea
Age (years)b 42.6 1.2 41.2 1.3 0.42
Body weight (kg)b,c 91.6 2.2 78.0 2.6 <0.0001
BMI (kg/m2)b,c 29.0 0.5 29.6 1.0 0.87
Daily energy needs (kcal)c 3169 493 2476 261 <0.0001
Energy expenditure from physical activity (kcal/kg·day)c,d 4.96 1.01 1.88 0.53 0.009
Restraint 7.7 0.6 8.4 0.7 0.46
Rigid restraint 2.2 0.3 2.3 0.3 0.69
Flexible restrainte 2.3 0.2 2.9 0.3 0.06
Disinhibition 6.0 0.4 6.8 0.5 0.18
Situational susceptibility to disinhibition 2.8 0.2 2.9 0.3 0.80
Emotional susceptibility to disinhibition 0.8 0.2 1.5 0.2 0.008
Habitual susceptibility to disinhibitionc,f 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.60
Susceptibility to hunger 4.7 0.6 4.3 0.5 0.58
Internal hungerc 1.9 0.3 1.3 0.3 0.15
External hunger 1.9 0.3 2.0 0.2 0.88

Dietary restraint, score 0 to 21; disinhibition, score 0 to 16; susceptibility to hunger, score 0 to 14; rigid and flexible restraint, score 0 to 7; situational and habitual susceptibility to disinhibition, score 0 to 5; emotional susceptibility to disinhibition, score 0 to 3; and internal and external hunger, score 0 to 6. A higher score represents a higher level of this particular eating behavioral trait.

aDifferences between men and premenopausal women were assessed by Student's t-test.

bThese characteristics have been reported in a previous publication [9].

cAnalysis was performed on transformed values.

dPhysical activity level: missing value for one man and one woman.

eFlexible restraint: missing value for one man.

fHabitual susceptibility to disinhibition: missing value for one man.