Fig. 5.
The consistency of the experimental Cryo-EM model. (a–c) Paired back projections (left) and masked class averages (right) from the final round of refinement. Orthogonal views are shown with a view down the channel axis topmost. (d) A composite plot showing the agreement of the final experimental Cryo-EM map with the scattering and crystallographic data, and the resolution and of the map. SAXS data merged with spherically averaged crystallographic data are shown as black squares mapping to the left hand axis: These data are plotted as the natural logarithm of the normalized intensity. The sharpened structure factor from the final map (after application of a Debye–Waller sharpening “B” factor of magnitude 361) is plotted with green diamonds. The semi-transparent solid, red line maps to the right hand ordinate axis. The line connects the Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) points of the unmasked, unfiltered, final map plotted against 1/S. The accompanying dashed trend line shows the curve fitted to the FSC data points.