Figure 11.
Expression characteristics of the sPLA2 elevated in Mmp2 deficiency. A, Dependence on MMP‐2 expression. Cardiac sPLA2 activity (bottom) and plasma MMP‐2 levels (top) in mice lacking neither copy (Mmp2+/+, n=4), 1 copy (Mmp2+/−, n=3) or 2 copies (Mmp2−/−, n=4) of Mmp2. Pooled samples were measured in duplicate. *P≤0.05 vs WT, t test. B, Lack of regulation by transcription. qRT‐PCR analysis of the entire family of known sPLA2s expressed in C57BL mice. PLA2G2A is not presented as the gene for this enzyme is disrupted in C57BL strain. n=4 mice per genotype. C, Enzyme inhibition assay with indoxam suggests that cardiac sPLA2 may be a mixture of various sPLA2 enzymes. MMP indicates matrix metalloproteinase; ND, not detected; qRT‐PCR, quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction; sPLA2, secreted phospholipase A2; WT, wild‐type.