FIG 9.
SGA analysis of ΔGY evolution in progressing and controlling pig-tailed macaques Single-genome amplification (SGA) of full-length env genes was performed at the indicated time points (Wk, week postinfection) on ΔGY-progressing (GR26 and HA94) and ΔGY-controlling (HC67 and HJ98) animals following CD8 depletion. (A) The diagram represents amino acid mutations and numbering (relative to SIVmac239) that appeared in >10% of amplicons for any time point in at least one animal. The position of the ΔGY deletion relative to the Env membrane-spanning domain (MSD) is shown. (B) The frequency of the indicated mutations in panel A relative to the number of amplicons is represented as a heat map with color codes for the proportion of sequences containing the mutation. The ΔGY deletion at positions 720 and 721 was retained in all amplicons. Specific mutations are discussed in the text. Results obtained following CD8 depletion (at week 82 for HC67 and HJ98) are indicated in red. Full amino acid sequences of all amplicons from the cytoplasmic domain are shown in Fig. S2B to E in the supplemental material.