FIG 1.
Body weight of SGH during prion infection with chronic wasting disease. Mock-infected (○) and CWD-infected hamsters (□ and △) (see Table 1, recipient groups H1733 for WST CWD and H1727 for CKY CWD) were monitored weekly over the course of infection for mean body weight (A) and the percent change in body weight (BW) from the prior week or BW replacement value (B). The green dashed line in panel B indicates no change in the BW replacement value, whereas values above or below the line indicate a net gain or loss, respectively, in body weight. A solid blue box at 32 weeks postinfection is indicated for WST CWD. The error bars indicate the standard errors of the mean and values changed when hamsters were sacrificed due to illness and for collection of age-matched controls (e.g., at 50 to 60 weeks and at 70 to 80 weeks postinfection). For illustration purposes, data points are plotted for every other week.