Figure 2.
Examples of IHC and mRNA-ISH staining for ZEB1 and ZEB2 in the stromal cells. (A) Strong nuclear expression of the ZEB1 protein in the tumour stroma, × 400. (B) Many signals of Zeb1 mRNA in the stromal cells, × 400. (C) Strong nuclear expression of the ZEB2 protein in the tumour stroma, × 400. (D) Many signals of Zeb2 mRNA in the stromal cells, × 400. (E) Double staining showing nuclear expression of the ZEB1 protein (in red) in α-SMA-positive stromal cells (brown), × 400. (F) Double staining demonstating nuclear expression of the ZEB2 protein (in red) in α-SMA-positive cells (brown) in the tumour stroma, × 400.