1978 Land use categories sorted by percentage of study area covered.
Class name 1978 | % Study area covered |
Cropland, rotation, and permanent pasturea | 53.29 |
Single family, duplex | 8.33 |
Central hardwood | 7.77 |
Herbaceous rangeland | 6.99 |
Lowland hardwood | 6.06 |
Shrub rangeland | 4.67 |
Shrub/scrub wetland | 2.68 |
Lakes | 1.24 |
Wooded wetland | 1.03 |
Emergent wetland | 0.90 |
Permanent pasturea | 0.76 |
Outdoor recreation | 0.71 |
Institutional | 0.60 |
Open pit | 0.60 |
Industrial | 0.51 |
Pine | 0.45 |
Neighborhood business | 0.43 |
Orchards, vineyards, and ornamentala | 0.42 |
Road transportation | 0.41 |
Multi-family-low rise | 0.25 |
Aspen, birch | 0.23 |
Reservoirs | 0.20 |
Aquatic bed wetland | 0.15 |
Industrial park | 0.14 |
Mobile home park | 0.13 |
Other agricultural landa | 0.13 |
Lowland conifer | 0.13 |
Utilities, waste disposal | 0.12 |
Cemeteries | 0.10 |
Air transportation | 0.09 |
Commercial, services, and institutional | 0.07 |
Central business district | 0.07 |
Other upland conifer | 0.06 |
Shopping center, mall | 0.05 |
Confined feeding operations | 0.05 |
Streams and waterways | 0.04 |
Open and other | 0.04 |
Christmas tree plantationa | 0.04 |
Rail transportation | 0.02 |
Communication facilities | 0.01 |
Multi-family-medium to high rise | 0.01 |
Flats | 0.01 |
Northern hardwood | 0.01 |
Underground extractive | 0.00 |
Beaches and riverbanks | 0.00 |
Wetlands | 0.00 |
Wells | 0.00 |
Transportation, communication, and utilities | 0.00 |
Forested land | 0.00 |
Barren | 0.00 |
Strip commercial | 0.00 |
Water transportation | 0.00 |
Coniferous forest | 0.00 |
Broadleaved forest (generally deciduous) | 0.00 |
Sand other than beaches | 0.00 |
Land use categories used to describe a “farm” for this study.