Figure 1. Beclin1 is required for promoting survival and growth of HTLV-1-transformed T cells.
Depletion of Beclin1 (A) or Atg5 (B) by lentiviral transduction of Beclin1- or Atg5-specific shRNA in SLB-1 cells was examined by anti-Beclin1 or anti-Atg5 immunoblot. The cell viability of SLB-1 cells transduced with non-specific (NS), Beclin1-specific shRNA (A) or Atg5-specific shRNA (B) was determined by trypan blue exclusion assay. (C) Beclin1, Atg5 or PI3KC3 was depleted by specific shRNAs in MT-2 cells, and the cell viability was measured accordingly (left panel). The knockdown efficiency of Beclin1-, Atg5- and PI3KC3 in MT-2 cells was determined by with immunoblot using relevant antibodies (right panel). Depletion of Beclin1 or Atg5 by lentiviral transduction of Beclin1- or Atg5-specific shRNA in MT-1 (D) or Jurkat (E) cells was examined by anti-Beclin1 or anti-Atg5 immunoblot. The cell viability was determined accordingly. The experiments were repeated at least three times. The mean ± s.e.m was shown in the figure. (F) Cell death analysis by flow cytometry with dual Annexin V/7-AAD cell labeling. NS-, Beclin1-, Atg5- or PI3KC3-depleted MT-2 or SLB-1 cells collected 6 days after transduction were dual-labeled with Annexin V and 7-AAD, followed by analysis with FACS. (G) Whole cell lysates of NS-, Beclin1-, Atg5- or PI3KC3-depleted MT-2 and SLB-1 cells were examined with immunoblot using anti-cleaved caspase-3, -7, -9 and PARP antibodies.