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. 2015 Sep 23;351:h4579. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h4579

Table 1.

Data summary by centre and diagnostic group at initial scan. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Hospitals No of women Empty gestational sac Gestational sacs with a yolk sac Embryo present Viable at 11-14 weeks
Queen Charlottes 791 243 (31) 320 (40) 228 (29) 285 (36)
St Thomas’s 695 181 (26) 365 (53) 149 (21) 326 (47)
St George’s 457 265 (58) 156 (34) 36 (8) 223 (49)
St Mary’s 366 137 (37) 146 (40) 83 (23) 174 (48)
Chelsea and Westminster 283 67 (24) 132 (47) 84 (30) 138 (49)
Northwick Park 135 55 (41) 54 (40) 26 (19) 64 (47)
Princess Anne 118 16 (14) 59 (50) 43 (36) 55 (47)
All data 2845 964 (34) 1232 (43) 649 (23) 1265 (44)