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. 2015 Jul 29;16(8):17368–17393. doi: 10.3390/ijms160817368

Table 1.

Direct cardiac reprogramming in vitro (mouse).

Reference Cell Source Reprogramming Factors Markers of iCMs, Percentages Spontaneous Beating/When Comments
[15] MCFs, TTFs Starting with 14 F: GMT best αMHC-GFP + TropT (FACS, day 7) MCFs: yes, after 4–5 weeks (rare events) No CPC stage
MCFs: GMT: ~4%–6%
TTFs: GMT: ~2.5%
[22] aMCFs, aTTFs H2GMT αMHC-GFP + TropT (FACS) aMCFs: yes, after 5 weeks (rare events) aTTFs: yes, after 5 weeks (rare events)
aTTFs (day 9): GMT: ~2.9%
H2GMT: ~9.2%
aMCFs (day 7): GMT: ~1.4%
H2GMT: ~6.8%
[23] aMCFs, aTTFs GMT αMHC-GFP; Nkx2.5-GFP (FACS, day 21): no GFP+ cells No beating no CPC stage (Nkx2.5-GFP)
[21] MEFs (E13.5, w/o head, w/o visceral organs, p3–p5) MCFs (aMHC-tdTomato mice: Thy1+, tdTomato-) TTFs (3-day-old mice) MTMc MEFs: for initial qRT-PCR screening MCFs: no, after 4 weeks (only rare events which were considered as cardiomyocyte contamination)
αMHC-tdTomato (FACS, day 14)
MCFs: GMT: 2.2% ± 0.2%
MTMc: 2.5% ± 0.3%
TTFs: GMT: 2.4% ± 0.2%
TropT (FACS, day 14)
MCFs: GMT: 12% ± 3.7%
MTMc: 11% ± 2.0%
[24] MCFs miR-1, miR-133, miR-208, miR-499 + JI1 αMHC-CFP (FACS, day 7) MCFs: yes, after 10 days (rare events 1%–2% of total cell population) short CPC stage: Mesp2 from day 1–5 (miR-1, -133, -208, -499); no pluripotency marker detected (Oct4, Nanog)
negmiR: 0.1%–3.9%
miR-1, -133, -208, -499: 1.1%–5.3%
negmiR + JI1: 0.3%–1.7%
miR-1, -133, -208, -499 + JI1: 13.4%–27.9%
[25] MEFs (E14.5, w/o head, w/o visceral organs, w/o heart, p3–p5) aMCFs (8–10-week-old mice), isolation by culture, p3 NH2GMT TropT-GCaMP (Ca2+ oscillation, day 14) MEFs: yes, after day 14 iCMs not proliferative (Ki67)
MEFs: GMT: 0.03% ± 0.02%
NH2GMT: 1.6% ± 0.3%
MCFs: NH2GMT: 4.5% ± 0.3%
[26] MEFs (E13) MpScMcSfNH1H2GTM αMHC-GFP (FACS, day 7) N.A.
NegCtr: 0.03% ± 0.05%
GMT: 0.05% ± 0.06%
GMTMcSf: 1.60% ± 0.12%
GMTMpSc: 0.20% ± 0.07%
GMTMcSfMpSc: 2.40% ± 0.11%
[27] MEFs (E14.5, w/o head, w/o visceral organs, w/o heart), p3–p5 aMCFs (8–10-week-old mice), isolation by culture, p3 NH2GMT + small molecules (SB) TropT-GCaMP (Ca2+ oscillation, day 14) MEFs: robust beating, after day 11 aMCFs: yes, after day 16 TGFβ signaling pathway plays a role in conversion
MEFs: NH2GMT + DMSO: 5.0% ± 1.8%
NH2GMT + SB: 17.0% ± 0.4%
aMCFs: NH2GMT + DMSO: 1.5% ± 0.4%
NH2GMT + SB (5 µM): 9.3% ± 1.3%
[9] MEFs (E12.5, w/o head, w/o visceral organs) aMCFs (adult αMHC-GFP mice; Thy1+ GFP) GMT + miR133 αMHC-GFP (FACS, day 7) MEFs: GMT: yes, after 4 weeks; GMT + miR133: yes, after 10 days aMCFs: N.A. iCMs not proliferative (EdU assay) Snai1/EMT mechanism no Mesp1+ CPCs (Mesp1-Cre x Stop-GFP mouse MEFs) mainly atrial-type myocytes
MEFs: GMT: ~19%; GMT + miR133: ~33%
TropT (FACS, day 7)
MEFs: GMT: ~1.9%; GMT + miR133: ~12%
[28] MEFs, TTFs, MCFs 20 F H2GMT Hcn4-GFP (FACS, day 7) No (due to inadequate sarcomeric protein expression and organization, 12 weeks of culture) 0.0%–0.16% of H2GMT transduced fibroblasts show spontaneous beating (no further specification) No Nkx2.5+ CPCs; well organized sarcomeric structures necessary for spontaneous beating, H2GMT: different types of CMs (atrial, pacemaker, and ventricular)
TTFs: 20F: 15%;
G6T3TR: ~40%
[29] MCFs (1.5 day old mice), TTFs GMT (polycistronic vector, different order) αMHC-GFP or TropT (FACS, day 10) MCFs: MGT: yes, after 3 weeks Stoichiometry is of critical importance (especially high Mef2c levels)
MCFs: G + M + T: ~5% (GFP), ~0.2% (TropT)
GMT: ~1% (GFP), 0.02% (TropT)
MGT: ~10% (GFP), ~4.8% (TropT)
MTG: ~9% (GFP), ~3.5% (TropT)
[30] CASD approach MEFs, TTFs OSKMy + cytokines + small molecules Nebulette-LacZ: initial screening MEFs: yes, after day 11 TTFs: yes, after day 12 beating patches generated per 100,000 cells on day 18 MEFs: 145 ± 6 TTFs: 115 ± 7 CPC stage: on day 9–10 (Flk1, Nkx2.5, Gata4) day 11: only atrial CMs only Mlc2a not Mlc2v
MEFs: OSK + JI1 (day 1–day 9) + BMP4 (day 9–day 14): N.A.
TropT (FACS, day 18)
TTFs: OSKM + JI1 (day1–day9) + BMP4 (day 9–day 14), 39% ± 2%
[31] CASD approach MEFs (E13.5, w/o head, w/o visceral organs, w/o heart), TTFs Oct4 + small molecules (SCPF) + BMP4 Beating cluster (day 30) MEFs: yes, after day 20 TTFs: yes CPC stage mostly ventricular iCMs (Mlc2v)
MEFs: 99 ± 17 per 10,000 starting cells
TTFs: ~50 per 10,000 starting cells

Abbreviations: iCMs, induced cardiomyocytes; CASD, Cell-Activation and Signaling-Directed; Cell Source, MEFs: murine embryonic fibroblasts; MCFs, murine cardiac fibroblasts; TTFs, tail-tip fibroblasts; a, adult; w/o, without; p, passage; Reprogramming Factors, F: factors; O, Oct4; S, Sox2; K, Klf4; My, c-Myc; H2, Hand2; N, Nkx2.5; G, Gata4; G6, Gata6; M, Mef2c; T, Tbx5; T3, Tbx3; Mc, Myocardin; Mp, Mesp1; Sc, Smarcd3 (Baf60c); Sf, SRF; H1, Hand1; E, ESRRG; Z, ZFPM2; R, Rxra; JI1, JAK inhibitor JI1; BMP4, bone morphogenic protein 4; SB, SB431542 (TGFβ-inhibitor); S, SB431542 (ALK4/5/7 inhibitor); C, CHIR99021 (GSK3 inhibitor); P, parnate (LSD1/KDM1 inhibitor); F, forskolin (adenylyl cyclase activator); Comments: CPC, cardiac progenitor cell. N.A., not available; bold text, markers for iCMs and used cell sources.