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. 2015 Sep 14;2(2):e000104. doi: 10.1136/vetreco-2014-000104


Results from the short questionnaire survey sent to diplomates of the European College of Veterinary Parasitology about the teaching of equine parasitology

Alternative strategies
Country Teaching time (hours) Person in charge Recommended drenching scheme Differences between establishment Rotational grazing Removal of faeces Targeted treatment
Sweden 0.7 Parasitologist and clinician Systematic in foals/EB otherwise Yes Yes Yes Yes
Algeria 2.75 Parasitologist Systematic No No No No
Switzerland 3 Parasitologist Systematic in foals/EB otherwise No No Yes Yes
France 3 Parasitologist Systematic in foals/EB otherwise No Yes Yes Yes
Spain 3 Parasitologist Systematic No No Yes No
Switzerland 4 Parasitologist EB No Yes Yes Yes
UK 5 Parasitologist EB Yes Yes Yes Yes
Belgium 7 Parasitologist EB Yes Yes Yes Yes
Italy 7 Parasitologist and clinician EB No No No Yes
Italy 11.5 Parasitologist and clinician EB No No Yes Yes
Italy 12 Parasitologist EB Yes No Yes Yes
UK 15 Parasitologist and clinician EB Yes No Yes Yes
Germany 2 Parasitologist Systematic Yes No Yes No

Responses collected from 13 different universities (10 countries) have been summarised in the table. Time allocated for the teaching about equine parasitology is given in hours as well as the person in charge of teaching (parasitologist or parasitologist and clinician together). Recommended drenching schemeĀ is also indicated. Other questions addressed whether differences of management between equine establishments were recommended (yes or no) or whether alternative strategies were considered

EB, evidence-based; Syst. in foals/EB otherwise, systematic drenching of foals and application of evidence-based programme in other age groups; systematic, systematic calendar-based drenching regimen