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. 2015 May 26;93(8):577–586G. doi: 10.2471/BLT.14.148338

Table 1. Identified studies on the delivery of emergency care in low- and middle-income countries.

Author Year Title Journal Country or area
A-Rahman NHA 2014 The state of emergency care in the Republic of the Sudan Afr J Emerg Med Sudan
Abbadi S et al 1997 Emergency medicine in Jordan Ann Emerg Med Jordan
Abd Elaal SAM et al 2006 The waiting time at emergency departments at Khartoum State-2005 Sudan J Public Health Sudan
Abdallat AM et al 2007 Frequent attenders to the emergency room at Prince Rashed Bin Al-Hassan Hospital J R Med Serv Jordan
Abdallat AM et al 2000 Who uses the emergency room services? Eastern Mediterr Health J Jordan
Abhulimhen-Iyoha BI et al 2012 Morbidity and mortality of childhood illnesses at the emergency paediatric unit of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City Nigeria J Pediatr Nigeria
Adeboye MAN et al 2010 Mortality pattern within twenty-four hours of emergency paediatric admission in a resource-poor nation health facility West Afr J Med Nigeria
Adesunkanmi ARK et al 2002 A five year analysis of death in accident and emergency room of a semi-urban hospital West Afr J Med Nigeria
Afuwape OO et al 2009 An audit of deaths in the emergency department in the University College Hospital Ibadan Nigeria J Clin Pract Nigeria
Aggarwal P et al 1995 Utility of an observation unit in the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in India European J Emerg Med India
Akpa MR et al 2013 Profile and outcome of medical emergencies in a tertiary health institution in Port Harcourt, Nigeria Nigeria Health J Nigeria
Al-Hakimi ASA et al 2004 Load and pattern of patients visiting general emergency Al-Thawra Hospital, San a'a Yemen Health Medical Res J Yemen
Alagappan K et al 1998 Early development of emergency medicine in Chennai (Madras), India Ann Emerg Med India
Asumanu E et al 2009 Improving emergency attendance and mortality – the case for unit separation West Afr J Med Ghana
Atanda HL et al 1994 Place des urgences medicales pediatriques dans un service medical a Pointe-Noire Med Afr Noire Congo
Avanzi MP et al 2005 Diagnósticos mais freqüentes em serviço de emergência para adulto de um hospital universitário Rev Ciênc Méd Brazil
Azhar AA et al 2000 Patient attendance at a major accident and emergency department: Are public emergency services being abused? Med J Malaysia Malaysia
Bains HS et al 2012 A simple clinical score “TOPRS” to predict outcome in pediatric emergency department in a teaching hospital in India Iran J Pediatr India
Bamgboye EA et al 1990 Mortality pattern at a children’s emergency ward, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria Afr J Med Med Sci Nigeria
Basnet B et al 2012 Initial resuscitation for Australasian Triage Scale 2 patients in a Nepalese emergency department Emerg Med Australas Nepal
Batistela S et al 2008 Os motivos de procura pelo Pronto Socorro Pediátrico de um Hospital Universitário referidos pelos pais ou responsáveis Semina: Ciênc Biológicas Saúde Brazil
Bazaraa HM et al 2012 Profile of patients visiting the pediatric emergency service in an Egyptian university hospital Pediatr Emerg Care Egypt
Ben Gobrane HLB et al 2012 Motifs du recours aux services d’urgence des principaux hôpitaux du Grand Tunis East Mediterr Health J Tunisia
Berraho M et al 2012 Les consultations non approprieés aux services des urgences: étude dans un hôpital provincial au Maroc Prat Organ Soins Morocco
Boff JM et al 2002 Perfil do Usuário do Setor de Emergência do Hospital Universitário da UFSC Rev Contexto Saude Brazil
Boros MJ 2003 Emergency medical services in St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prehosp Emerg Care St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Bresnahan KA et al 1995 Emergency medical care in Turkey: current status and future directions Ann Emerg Med Turkey
Brito MVH et al 1998 Pronto-atendimento de adultos em serviço de saúde universitário: um estudo de avaliação Rev Adm Publica Brazil
Brito MVH et al 2012 Perfil da demanda do serviço de urgência e emergência do hospital pronto socorro municipal- Mario Pinotti Rev Paraense Med Brazil
Brown MD 1999 Emergency medicine in Eritrea: rebuilding after a 30-year war Am J Emerg Med Eritrea
Bruijns S et al 2008 A prospective evaluation of the Cape triage score in the emergency department of an urban public hospital in South Africa Emerg Med J South Africa
Burch V et al 2008 Modified early warning score predicts the need for hospital admission and inhospital mortality Emerg Med J South Africa
Buys H et al 2013 An adapted triage tool (ETAT) at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital Medical Emergency Unit, Cape Town: an evaluation S Afr Med J South Africa
Cander B et al 2006 Emergency operation indications in emergency medicine clinic (model of emergency medicine in Turkey) Adv Ther Turkey
Carret MLV et al 2007 Demand for emergency health service: factors associated with inappropriate use BMC Health Serv Res Brazil
Carret MLV et al 2011 Características da demanda do serviço de saúde de emergência no Sul do Brasil Cien Saude Colet Brazil
Cevik AA et al 2001 Update on the development of emergency medicine as a specialty in Turkey European J Emerg Med Turkey
Chattoraj A et al 2006 A study of sickness & admission pattern of patients attending an emergency department in a tertiary care hospital J AcadHosp Adm India
Chukuezi AB et al 2010 Pattern of deaths in the adult accident and emergency department of a sub-urban teaching hospital in Nigeria Asian J Med Sci Nigeria
Clark M et al 2012 Reductions in inpatient mortality following interventions to improve emergency hospital care in Freetown, Sierra Leone PLoS one Sierra Leone
Clarke ME 1998 Emergency medicine in the new South Africa Ann Emerg Med South Africa
Clem KJ et al 1998 United States physician assistance in development of emergency medicine in Hangzhou, China Ann Emerg Medi China
Coelho MF et al 2010 Analysis of the organizational aspects of a clinical emergency department: a study in a general hospital in Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil Rev Lat Am Enfermagem Brazil
Coelho MF et al 2013 Urgências clínicas: perfil de atendimentos hospitalares Rev Lat Am Enfermagem Brazil
Cox M et al 2007 Emergency medicine in a developing country: experience from Kilimanjaro Christian Medial Centre, Tanzania, East Africa Emerg Med Australas The United Republic of Tanzania
Curry C et al 2004 The first year of a formal emergency medicine training programme in Papua New Guinea Emerg Med Australas Papua New Guinea
da Silva GS et al 2007 Caracterização do perfil da demanda da emergência de clínica médica do hospital universitário da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Arq Catarinenses Med Brazil
Dalwai M et al 2013 Implementation of a triage score system in an emergency room in Timergara, Pakistan Public Health Action Pakistan
Damghi N et al 2013 Patient satisfaction in a Moroccan emergency department Intl Arch Med Morocco
Dan V et al 1991 Prise en charge des urgences du nourrisson et de l'enfant: aspects actuels et perspectives d'avenir Med Afr Noire Benin
de Souza LM et al 2011 Risk classification in an emergency room: agreement level between a Brazilian institutional and the Manchester Protocol Rev Lat Am Enfermagem Brazil
De Vos P et al 2008 Uses of first line emergency services in Cuba Health Policy Cuba
Derlet RW et al 2000 Emergency medicine in Belarus J Emerg Med Belarus
Dubuc IF et al 2006 Adolescentes atendidos num serviço púlico de urgência e emergência: perfil de morbidade e mortalidade Rev Eletrônica Enfermagem Brazil
Duru C et al 2013 Pattern and outcome of admissions as seen in the paediatric emergency ward of the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital Bayelsa State, Nigeria Nigeria J Pediatr Nigeria
Ekere AU et al 2005 Mortality patterns in the accident and emergency department of an urban hospital in Nigeria Nigeria J Clinic Pract Nigeria
Enobong EI et al 2009 Pattern of paediatric emergencies and outcome as seen in a tertiary hosptial: a five-year review Sahel Med J Nigeria
Erickson TB et al 1996 Emergency medicine education intervention in Rwanda Ann Emerg Med Rwanda
Eroglu SE et al 2012 Evaluation of non-urgent visits to a busy urban emergency department Saudi Med J Turkey
Fajardo-Oritz G et al 2000 Utilización del servicio de urgencias en un hospital de especialidades Cir Cir Mexico
Fajolu IB et al 2011 Childhood mortality in children emergency centre of the Lagos University Teaching hospital Nigeria J Pediatr Nigeria
Fayyaz J et al 2013 Missing the boat: odds for the patients who leave ED without being seen BMC Emerg Med Pakistan
Furtado BMA et al 2004 O perfil da emergência do Hospital da Restauração: uma análise dos possíveis impactos após a municipalização dos serviços de saúde Revi Bras Epidemiol Brazil
Gaitan M et al 1998 Growing pains: status of emergency medicine in Nicaragua Ann Emerg Med Nicaragua
Garg M et al 2013 Study of the relation of clinical and demographic factors with morbidity in a tertiary care teaching hospital in India Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci India
George IO et al 2010 An audit of cases admitted in the children emergency ward in a Nigerian tertiary hospital Pakistan J Med Sci Nigeria
Gim U et al 2012 Pattern and outcome of presentation at the children emergency unit of a tertiary institution in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria: a one year prospective study J Med Nigeria
Goh AY et al 2003 Paediatric utilization of a general emergency department in a developing country Acta Paediatr Malaysia
Gomide MFS et al 2012 Perfil de usuários em um serviço de pronto atendimento Med (Ribeirão Preto) Brazil
Gueguen G 1995 Senegal: mise en place d’un mirco ordinateur dans le service d’accueil des urgencies de l’hopital regional de Ziguinchor Med Trop Senegal
Halasa W 2013 Family medicine in the emergency department, Jordan Br J Gen Pract Jordan
Hanewinckel R et al 2010 Emergency medicine in Paarl, South Africa: a cross-sectional descriptive study Int J Emerg Med South Africa
Hexom B et al 2012 A model for emergency medicine education in post-conflict Liberia Afr J Emerg Medi Liberia
Hodkinson PW et al 2009 Cross-sectional suvey of patients presenting to a South African urban emergency centre Emerg Med J South Africa
House DR et al 2013 Descriptive study of an emergency centre in Western Kenya: challenges and opportunities Afr J Emerg Med Kenya
Huo X 1994 Emergency care in China Accid Emerg Nur China
Ibeziako SN et al 2002 Pattern and outcome of admissions in the children's emergency room of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu Nigeria J Paediatr Nigeria
Jacobs PC et al 2005 Estudo exploratório dos atendimentos em unidade de emergência em Salvador-Bahia Rev Assoc Méd Bras Brazil
Jafari-Rouhi AH et al 2013 The Emergency Severity Index, version 4, for pediatric triage: a reliability study in Tabriz
Children’s Hospital, Tabriz, Iran
Int J Emerg Med Islamic Republic of Iran
Jalili M et al 2013 Emergency department nonurgent visits in Iran: prevalence and associated factors Am J Manag Care Islamic Republic of Iran
Jerius M et al 2010 Inappropriate utilization of emergency medical services at Prince Ali Military Hospital J R Med Serv Jordan
Ka Sall B et al 2002 Les urgences dans un centre hospitalier et universitaire en milieu tropical Méd Trop Senegal
Karabocuoglu M et al 1995 Analysis of patients admitted to the emergency unit of a university children's hosptial in Turkey Turk J Pediatr Turkey
Karim MZ et al 2009 A retrospective study of illness and admission pattern of emergency patients utilizing a corporate hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2006 −2008 ORION Med J Bangladesh
Khan NU et al 2011 Unplanned return visit to emergency department: a descriptive study from a tertiary care hospital in a low-income country European J Emerg Med Pakistan
Khan NU et al 2007 Emergency department deaths despite active management: experience from a tertiary care centre in a low-income country Emerg Med Australas Pakistan
Khan AN et al 2003 International pediatric emergency care: establishment of a new specialty in a developing country Pediatr Emerg Care Serbia
Kriengsoontornkij W et al 2010 Accuracy of pediatric triage at Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand J Medl Ass Thailand Thailand
Krym VF et al 2009 International partnerships to foster growth in emergency medicine in Romania CJEM Romania
Lammers W et al 2011 Demographic analysis of emergency department patients at the Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Emerg Med Int China
Lasseter JA et al 1997 Emergency medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ann Emerg Med Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lee S 2011 Disaster management and emergency medicine in Malaysia West J Emerg Med Malaysia
Leite JA et al 2010 Internaçöes e serviços de urgência e emergência pactuados em hospital geral púlico da Bahia, Brazil Rev Baiana Saude Publica Brazil
Lima SBS et al 2013 Perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes internados no prontosocorro de um hospital universitário Saude (Santa Maria) Brazil
Lin JY et al 2013 Breadth of emergency medical training in Pakistan Prehosp Disaster Med Pakistan
Little RM et al 2013 Acute care in Tanzania: epidemiology of acute care in a small community medical centre Afr J Emerg Med The United Republic of Tanzania
Liu Y et al 1994 A preliminary epidemiological study of the patient population visiting an urban ED in the Republic of China Am J Emerg Med China
Lopes SLB et al 2007 The implementation of the Medical Regulation Office and Mobile Emergency Attendance System and its impact on the gravity profile of non-traumatic afflictions treated in a University Hospital: a research study BMC Health Serv Res Brazil
Loria-Castellanos J et al 2006 Reanimation unit experience of a second- level hospital in Mexico City Prehosp Disaster Med Mexico
Loria-Castellanos J et al 2010 Frecuencia y factores asociados con el uso inadecuado de la consulta de urgencias de un hospital Cir Cir Mexico
Mabiala-Babela JR et al 2007 Consultations et réadmissions avant l’âge d’un mois aux urgences pédiatriques, Brazzaville (Congo) Arch Pediatr Congo
Mabiala-Babela JR et al 2009 Consultations de nuit aux urgences pédiatriques du CHU de Brazzaville, Congo Méd Trop Congo
Mahajan V et al 2013 Unexpected hospitalisations at a 23-Hour observation unit in a paediatric emergency department of northern India J Clin Diagn Res India
Maharjan RK 2011 Mortality pattern in the emergency department in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal Prehosp Disaster Med Nepal
Malhotra S et al 1992 A study of the workload of the casualty department of a large city hospital Health Popul Perspect Issues India
Martinez RQ et al 2008 Padecimientos más frecuentemente atendidos en
el Servicio de Urgencias Pediátricas en un hospital de tercer nivel
Rev Fac Med Univ Auton Mex Mexico
Matoussi N et al 2007 Profil epidemiologique et prise en charge des consultants des urgences medicales pediatriques de l’hopital d’enfants de Tunis Tunis Med Tunisia
Maulen-Radovan I et al 1996 PRISM score evaluation to predict outcome in paediatric patients on admission at an emergency department Arch Med Res Mexico
Mbutiwi Ikwa Ndol F et al 2013 Facteurs pre ´dictifs de la mortalite ´ des patients admis aux urgences me ´dicales des cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique Democratic Republic of the Congo
McDonald A et al 2005 Emergency medicine in Jamaica CJEM Jamaica
McDonald A et al 2000 Morbidity pattern of emergency room patients in Jamaica West Indian Med J Jamaica
Medina J et al 2007 Triage: experiencia en un Servicio de Urgencias Pediátricas Rev Soc Boliv Pediatr Paraguay
Meijas CLA 2011 La atención de urgencia y la dispensarización en el Policlínico Universitario Docente de Playa Rev Cubana Med Gen Integral Cuba
Melo EMC et al 2007 O trabalho dos pediatras em um serviço público de urgências: fatores intervenientes
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Meskin S et al 1997 Delivery of emergency medical services in Kathmandu, Nepal Ann Emerg Med Nepal
Mijinyawa MS 2010 Pattern of medical emergency utilisation in a Nigeria tertiary health institution: a preliminary report Sahel Med J Nigeria
Miranda NA et al 2012 Caracterização de crianças atendidas no pronto-socorro de um hospital universitário Rev Eletrônica Gestão Saúde Brazil
Molyneux E et al 2006 Improved triage and emergency care for children reduces inpatient mortality in a resource-constrained setting Bull World Health Organ Malawi
Morton TD 1992 A perspective on emergency medicine in the developing world J Emerg Med Malaysia
Mullan PC et al 2013 Reduced overtriage and undertriage with a new triage system in an urban accident and emergency department in Botswana: a cohort study Emerg Med J Botswana
Muluneh D et al 2007 Analysis of admissions to the pediatric emergency ward of Tikur Anbessa Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Ethiop J Health Dev Ethiopia
Musharafieh R et al 1996 Development of emergency medicine in Lebanon Ann Emerg Med Lebanon
Naidoo DK et al 2014 An evaluation of the Triage Early Warning Score in an urban accident and emergency department in KwaZulu-Natal S Afr Family Pract South Africa
Nelson BD et al 2005 Integrating quantitative and qualitative methodologies for the assessment of health care systems: emergency medicine in post-conflict Serbia BMC Health Serv Res Serbia
Nemeth J et al 2001 Emergency medicine in Eastern Europe: the Hungarian experience Ann Emerg Med Hungary
Nkombua L 2008 The practice of medicine at a district hospital emergency room: Middelburg Hospital, Mpumalanga Province S Afr Family Pract South Africa
O'Reilly G et al 2010 The dawn of emergency medicine in Vietnam Emerg Med Australas Viet Nam
Ogah OS et al 2012 A two-year review of medical admissions at the emergency unit of a Nigerian tertiary health facility Afr J Biomed Res Nigeria
Ogunmola OO et al 2013 Mortality pattern in adult accident and emergency department of a tertiary health centre situated in a rural area of developing country J Dent Med Sci Nigeria
Ohara K et al 1994 Investigación sobre pacientes atendidos en el servicio de emergencia del Hospital Escuela Rev Med Hondur Honduras
Okolo SN et al 2002 Health service auditing and intervention in an emergency paediatric unit Nigeria J Paediatr Nigeria
Oktay C et al 2003 Appropriateness of emergency department visits in a Turkish university hospital Croat Med J Turkey
Olivati FN et al 2010 Perfil da demanda de um
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Oliveira GN et al 2011 Profile of the population cared for in a referral emergency unit Rev Lat Am Enfermagem Brazil
Onwuchekwa AC et al 2008 Medical mortality in the accident and emergency unit of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital Nigeria J Med Nigeria
Orimadegun AE et al 2008 Comparison of neonates born outside and inside hospitals in a children emergency unit, southwest of Nigeria Pediatr Emerg Care Nigeria
Osuigwe AN et al 2002 Mortalty in the accident and emergency unit of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, NNEWI: patterns and factors involved Nigeria J Clin Pract Nigeria
Parekh KP et al 2013 Who leaves the emergency department without being seen? A public hospital experience in Georgetown, Guyana BMC Emerg Med Guyana
Partridge RA 1998 Emergency medicine in West Kazakhstan, CIS Ann Emerg Med Kazakhstan
Patil A 2013 Analysis of pattern of emergency cases in the casualty of a university Indian J Forensic Med Toxicol India
Peixoto BV et al 2013 The harsh reality of children and youth emergency care showing the health status of a city Rev Paul Pediatr Brazil
Pekdemir M et al 2010 No significant alteration in admissions to emergency departments during Ramadan J Emerg Med Turkey
Periyanayagam U et al 2012 Acute care needs in a rural Sub-Saharan African emergency centre: a retrospective analysis Afr J Emerg Med Uganda
Pinilla MMA et al 2009 Demandas inadecuadas en urgencias e identificación del uso inapropriado de la hospitalización en el Centro Piloto de ASSBASALUD ESE. en Manizales. año 2008 Arch Med Colombia
PoSaw LL et al 1998 Emergency medicine in the new Delhi Area, India Ann Emerg Med India
Raftery KA 1996 Emergency medicine in southern Pakistan Ann Emerg Med Pakistan
Ramalanjaona G 1998 Emergency medicine in Madagascar Ann Emerg Med Madagascar
Rashidi A et al 2009 Demographic and clinical characteristics of red tag patients and their one-week mortality rate from the emergency department of the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia South-east Asian J Trop Med Public Health Malaysia
Rehmani R 2004 Emergency section and overcrowding in a university hospital of Karachi, Pakistan J Pak Med Assoc Pakistan
Reynolds TA et al 2012 Most frequent adult and pediatric diagnoses among 60 000 patients seen in a new urban emergency department in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Ann Emerg Med The United Republic of Tanzania
Reynolds TA et al 2012 Emergency care capacity in Africa: a clinical and educational initiative in Tanzania J Public Health Policy The United Republic of Tanzania
Ribeiro RCH et al 2013 Stay and outcome of the clinical and surgical patient in the emergency service Rev Enfermagem Brazil
Riccetto AGL et al 2007 Sala de emergência em pediatria: casuística de um hospital universitário Revi Paul Pediatr Brazil
Richards JR 1997 Emergency medicine in Vietnam Ann Emerg Med Viet Nam
Robison JA et al 2012 Decreased pediatric hospital mortality after an intervention to improve emergency care in Lilongwe, Malawi Pediatr Malawi
Rodriguez JCM et al 2012 Aplicación de los criterios de ingreso a la unidad de reanimación en el servicio de urgencias de adultos del Hospital General «La Raza» Arch Medi Urg Méx Mexico
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Rosa TP et al 2011 Perfil dos pacientes atendidos na sala de emergência do pronto Socorro de um hospital universitário Rev Enfermagem UFSM Brazil
Rosedale K et al 2011 The effectiveness of the South African Triage Score (SATS) in a rural emergency department S Afr Med J South Africa
Rytter MJH et al 2006 Effects of armed conflict on access to emergency health care in Palestinian West Bank: systematic collection of data in emergency departments BMJ West Bank and Gaza Strip
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Santhanam I et al 2002 Mortality after admission in the pediatric emergency department: a prospective study from a referral children’s hospital in southern India Pediatr Critical Care Med India
Savitsky E et al 2000 Emergency medical services development in the Seychelles Islands Am J Emerg Med Seychelles
Selasawati HG et al 2004 Inappropriate utilization of emergency department services in Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital Med J Malaysia Malaysia
Sentilhes-Monkam A 2011 Les services d’accueil des urgences ont-ils un avenir en Afrique de l’ouest? Exemple à l’hôpital principal de Dakar Sante Publique Senegal
Shakhatreh H et al 2009 Patient satisfaction in emergency department at King Hussein Medical Center J R Med Serv Jordan
Shakhatreh H et al 2003 Use and misuse of accident and emergency services at Queen Alia Military Hospital J R Med Serv Jordan
Simons DA et al 2010 Adequação da demanda de crianças e adolescentes atendidos na Unidade de Emergência em Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant Brazil
Singhi S et al 2004 Comparison of pediatric emergency patients in a tertiary care hospital vs a community hospital Indian Pediatr India
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Smadi BY et al 2005 Inappropriate use of emergency department at Prince Zeid Ben Al-Hussein Hospital J R Med Serv Jordan
Soleimanpour H et al 2011 Emergency department patient satisfaction survey in Imam Reza Hospital, Tabriz, Iran Int J Emerg Med Islamic Republic of Iran
Souza BC et al 2009 Perfil da Demanda do Departamento de Emergência do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição – Tubarão – SC Arq Catarinenses Med Brazil
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Tintinalli J et al 1998 Emergency care in Namibia Ann Emerg Med Namibia
Topacoglu H et al 2004 Analysis of factors affecting satisfaction in the emergency department: a survey of 1 019 patients Adv Ther Turkey
Traoré A et al 2002 Les urgences médicales au Centre hospitalier national Yalgado Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou : profil et prise en charge des patients Cah Etud Rech Francophones / Santé Burkina Faso
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Ugare GU et al 2012 Epidemiology of death in the emergency department of a tertiary health centre south-south of Nigeria Afr Health Sc Nigeria
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Notes: Further information about the studies can be obtained from corresponding author. Additional data were obtained through personal communications from: Botswana (1), Cameroon (1), Ghana (1), Lebanon (1), Liberia (1), Madagascar (1) and South Africa (10).