(Left): Haplotype 1-HAF scores in a 50 kb window centered at known favored sites indicated by the gene name, and the SNP identifier. (A) LCT/rs4988235, (C) TRPV/rs4987682, (E) PSCA/rs2294008, (G) ADH1B/rs1229984, and (I) EDAR/rs3827760. Points represent haplotype 1-HAF scores, red indicating a carrier of the favored allele and blue indicating a non-carrier. At the top of each panel, the number of haplotypes, n, is shown, with the number of carriers in parenthesis. Areas shaded in gray indicate haplotypes designated as ‘carrier’ by PreCIOSS. (Right) classification Balanced Accuracy (black) and −log2(P) values (blue) as function of window size around the favored allele in (B) LCT, (D) TRPV6, (F) PSCA, (H) ADH1B, and (J) EDAR. P-values are for Wilcoxon rank sum tests rejecting the null hypothesis of identically distributed 1-HAF scores among carriers and non-carriers. Red circles indicate the 50 kb windows shown on the left.