(A) Structure of the Sirh11/Zcchc16 protein. The scheme shows the alignment of the sushi-ichi gag domain and Sirh11/Zcchc16 proteins, which overall exhibit 21% identity and 37.5% similarity, respectively. The zinc finger CCHC domain (purple) in the C-terminus is conserved, but the coiled-coil motif (green) and gag domain (blue) are absent in the Sirh11/Zcchc16 protein. (B) Chromosomal Location. SIRH11/ZCCH16 is conserved in an orthologous chromosomal region between TRPC5 and LHFPL1 in eutherian mammals. The upper panel shows that SIRH11/ZCCHC16 is absent in the chicken (birds), platypus (monotremes) and opossum (marsupials). The identically colored boxes represent orthologous genes and the light blue boxes represent psuedoSIRH11/ZCCHC16 genes. The lower panel provides a comparison of SIRH11/ZCCHC16 and its flanking genome sequences with 50~100% homology to the mouse genome in several eutherian mammals. The purple (SIRH11/ZCCHC16) and red (others) areas indicate evolutionarily conserved sequences (ECSs). The shaded area indicates the regions that correspond to the mouse Sirh11/Zcchc16 open reading frame. The yellow line in the Armadillo column represents the gap region in the genome sequence. (C) Conservation of Sirh11/Zcchc16 in eutherian mammals. The SIRH11/ZCCHC16 sequence was confirmed in four major eutherian groups (red), euarchontoglires, laurasiatheria, xenarthra and afrotheria, but became a pseudogene in xenarthra (the dashed line), indicating that the insertion of SIRH11/ZCCHC16 occurred in a common eutherian ancestor. The number of species possessing SIRH11/ZCCHC16 (front) and those which in total were analyzed (back) are noted in parentheses. (D) PAML analysis. Two models, the one-ratio model based on the assumption that ω1 (dN/dS) is the same for all of the branches (model 1) and the two-ratio model based on the assumption that ω2 in the xenathran lineage is different from ω1 in all the others (model 2) were compared. The model 2 was statistically significant and is shown. The p-value was calculated by the likelihood ratio test. Armadillo 1 and 2 represent Dasypus novemcinctus and Tolypeutes matacus, respectively. Sloth 1 and 2 represent Choloepus hoffmanni and Choloepus didactylus, respectively.