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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015 Aug 14;155:118–127. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.08.006


Rocky Mountain Region Pilot Studies of FAS & PFAS prevalence: combined data from three samples (rate per 1,000)

Diagnosis Oversample of children ≤ 10th centile on height, weight, or OFC Randomly-Selected Children Only (n=194) Combined rate from consented sample (n=1278) and estimated cases in the non-consented sample (n=1099)
(a) n Rate per all children in 1st grade (n=2377)a Rate for all children with consent for study (n=1278)b Mid-point n Proportion of FASD cases in random sample (b) Estimated case in non-consented population (n=1099) Rate of FASD cases from random samplec 95% Confidence Intervals (a + b) Total Estimated Cases n Estimated rate for all enrolled studentsd 95% Confidence Intervals
FAS 7 2.9 5.5 4.2 2 .0103 +11 10.3 0 to 24.5 18 7.5 4.1 to 11.1
PFAS 19 7.9 14.9 11.4 4 .0206 +23 20.6 .62 to 40.6 42 17.7 12.4 to 22.9
FAS & PFAS combined 26 10.9 20.3 15.6 6 .0309 +34 30.9 6.6 to 55.3 60 25.2 18.9 to 31.5

Rate per 1,000 children based on the entire enrollment in 1st grade classes, denominator = 2377.


Rate per 1,000 children based on the sample screened, denominator = 1278.


Rate per 1,000 children based on the randomly-selected children only, denominator = 190.


Rate per 1,000 children calculated from FASD cases diagnosed in consented sample added to the estimated cases in the non-consented sample utilizing the proportional diagnostic distribution of FASD cases from the randomly-selected children. Denominator is 2377.