A) 3D, cross sectional, and top view schematics of the OECT structure where W = 6 mm and L = 6 mm (figure not to scale). The conductivity of the PEDOT:PSS scaffold interfacing the source and drain electrodes decreases by the injection of cations from the electrolyte, triggered by an applied bias through the second scaffold which acts as the gate electrode. B) Transient characteristics of a transistor (W= 6 mm, L= 6 mm, d= 2 mm) prepared from a porous scaffold. The length of the pulse at the gate electrode (VG = 0.6 V) was 6 s. VD was constant at −0.6 V. C) Transfer characteristics of an OECT comprised of a porous scaffold, and corresponding transconductance values at VD = −0.6 V.