TEM images of spherical nanoparticles prepared at −10°C with (a) 10.0, (b) 20.0 and (c) 40.0 mM of BM and CM. (d), (e) And (f) represent the typical TEM images of spherical supramolecular assemblies obtained at 0°C from 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 mM of BM and CM, respectively. (g), (h) And (i) are the TEM images of layered structures formed by cooling the BCe methanol solution with 10.0 20.0 and 40.0 mM concentrations from 25 to −10°C. (j), (k) And (l) show the morphologies of the spherical assemblies after electron beam irradiation for 30.0, 60.0 and 120 s, respectively; these nanospheres were prepared by using 20.0 mM of BM and CM at 0°C. The insets are the corresponding magnified TEM images.