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. 2015 Jun 15;13(3):598. doi: 10.18549/PharmPract.2015.03.598

Table 2.

Cronbach’s Alpha values for all scales and TPB constructs.

Domain Number of items in each Scale Cronbach Alpha Coefficient
Test (Week 1) N = 25 Retest (Week 2) N = 25
Knowledge scale 7 0.763 0.703
Perspective scale 15 0.943 0.946
Expectations scale 7 0.908 0.940
Overall 29 0.912 0.908
TPB constructs* Number of items in each construct Cronbach Alpha Coefficient, α
Test (Week 1) N = 25 Retest (Week 2) N = 25
Attitudes* 5 0.939 0.945
Subjective Norms* 3 0.893 0.913
Perceived Control* 4 0.890 0.894
Intention* 3 0.793 0.797

Pooled TPB constructs* were operated via Perspective domain.