E-agents, P-agents and M-agents can accomplish goals G1 to G3. Sample kinetics of: the concentration of target cells with antigenic expressions close to the antigenic expression that is most common at the beginning of the in silico experiments (dashed lines); the concentration of T cells targeted to those antigenic expressions (solid lines). Black lines in (a), green lines in (b), red lines in (c) and blue lines in (d) refer, respectively, to the case without immunotherapy and under constant infusion of either E-agents, P-agents or M-agents. All curves refer to the same choice of the maximum affinity γ and the average affinity range of T-cell receptors θ, which corresponds to early clearance. The green, red and blue areas highlight, respectively, the expansion, contraction and memory phases. Compared with the case without treatment: E-agents lead to higher numbers of T cells at the acme of the expansion phase; P-agents reduce the duration of the contraction phase and favour the formation of a more populous memory reservoir; M-agents allow a larger number of T cells to stabilize during the memory phase.