Structures of homosubstituted MSPE (A) and MSL (B) derivatives with fluorescent tags linked via a phosphoethanolamine spacer (MSPE derivatives) or directly tied to the lipid core (MSL derivatives). C: A TLC plate of the respective fluorescent MSLs after development with chloroform-methanol-water (65:25:4, by volume). The plate was scanned normally with white light without special UV excitation. Except for NBD, the real compound’s colors are shown. The NBD derivatives are yellow, but because this hue appeared too faint in the figure, a green color was chosen instead. ATTO-MSPE, caldarchaeo-bis-N-ATTO647-phosphoethanolamine; NBD-MSL, 1,1′-didoxy-1,1′-bis-NBD-amino-caldarchaeol; TAMRA-MSL, 1,1′-didoxy-1,1′-bis-TAMRA-amino-caldarchaeol; TAMRA-MSPE, caldarchaeo-bis-N-5-[and-6]-carboxytetramethylrhodaminyl-phosphoethanolamine.