Fig 6. Analysis of selected TFs regulated by OTX2.
(A) RQ-PCR analysis of MSX1, FOXC1 and HLXB9 after siRNA-mediated knockdown of OTX2 in KM-H2 cells. The data indicate that OTX2 activates the transcription of these TF genes. (B) RQ-PCR analysis of MSX1 expression after forced expression of OTX2 in L-428 cells, confirming an activating input of OTX2. (C) RQ-PCR analysis of PAX5 expression after siRNA-mediated knockdown of OTX2 in KM-H2 cells, showing slightly increased expression levels. (D) RQ-PCR analysis of GATA3 and OTX2 after their siRNA-mediated knockdown, indicating absence of mutual regulation. (E) RQ-PCR analysis of ZHX1 after siRNA-mediated knockdown of OTX2 in KM-H2 (left) and of OTX1 in U-HO1 cells (right). The data demonstrate that both OTX1 and OTX2 activate expression of ZHX1.