After initial oropharyngeal suctioning in case of obvious airway obstruction, respiratory support was started immediately. In SLI group (left) 1 to 3 SLI maneuvers were applied, whereas in control group (right) CPAP and/or PPV was initiated. The upper part of the flow chart shows the different approaches of initial respiratory support of the two groups within the first 3 minutes after birth and the lower part shows the interventions from minute 4 to 15 after birth, which were identical in both groups. CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; FiO
2, fraction of inspired oxygen; HR, heart rate (beats per minute); PEEP, positive end exspiratory pressure (cmH2O); PIP, peak inspiratory pressure (cmH2O); PPV, positive pressure ventilation; RR, respiratory rate (breaths per minute); SLI, sustained lung inflations.